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When I upgrade the Brightcove native SDK to version to 9.0/9.2 with Android 14 configuration and Gradle 8.7 we an error. Looking at the native sdk docs it looks like Gradle 8 is not supported yet.

I was wondering when this will be supported?

From the docs linked above...

  1. Notes:
    • Brightcove recommends always using the latest version with a specific version string. For example, review the build.gradle and files in the android-player-samples project.
    • The ExoPlayer dependency includes the Native SDK for Android, so you do not have to include the SDK separately.
    • Google's ExoPlayer is an open source, application-level media player for Android. Notice that we are using the ExoPlayer 2 framework. For details, see the Migrating to ExoPlayer 2 Framework document.
    • Android Studio uses Gradle version 8+ and the SDK does not support it yet.
  2. Downgrade Gradle to v7.1.3 by changing in the build.gradle(PlayVideos) file In the Gradle Scripts.

Hi @Cory Fitzptrick,

Thank you for sharing your question on Bright Spot!

Our Mobil SDK team confirmed that the latest SDK version should work with Gradle 8.

We will definitely have to update our public documentation and will do.
Are you still having issues with the 9.0/9.2  SDK version and Gradle 8?

Happy to help!
